A. The Board shall not issue a pesticide business license until the business has furnished evidence of financial responsibility, consisting of a liability insurance policy from a person authorized to do business in the Commonwealth that protects persons who suffer legal damages as a result of the use of any pesticide by the applicant. Financial responsibility need not apply to damages or injury to agricultural crops, plants, or property being worked upon by the applicant. The Board by regulation may establish and prescribe the conditions for financial responsibility.
B. The amount of financial responsibility shall be established by the Board at a minimum of $100,000 for property damage; $100,000 for personal injury to or death of one person; and $300,000 per occurrence. The Board may accept a liability insurance policy containing a deductible clause in an amount considered usual and customary in the industry, with the provision that the insurer shall pay all claims in full and that the amount of the deductible shall be recoverable only from the insured. The Board may adopt regulations governing the provision of additional evidence of financial responsibility based upon annual gross revenue of the applicant or his employer’s business and an assessment of the risks of the applicant or his employer’s business to persons, property, and the environment. Such financial responsibility shall be maintained at not less than such amount at all times during the licensed period. The applicant shall notify the Board 10 days prior to any reduction at the request of the applicant or cancellation by the insurer.
1975, c. 377, § 3.1-249.9; 1981, c. 260; 1984, c. 272; 1987, cc. 258, 291; 1989, c. 575, § 3.1-249.49; 1993, c. 773; 2008, c. 860.