Sec. 8. (a) This section does not apply to a voter registration application received by any of the following:
(1) An employee of a license branch:
(A) acting in accordance with IC 3-7-14; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the license branch’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-14.
(2) An employee of a public assistance agency:
(A) acting in accordance with IC 3-7-15; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the agency’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-15.
(3) An employee of an agency serving persons with disabilities:
(A) acting in accordance with IC 3-7-16; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the agency’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-16.
(4) An employee of an office designated under IC 3-7-18:
(A) acting in accordance with that chapter; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the office’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-18.
(5) An employee of an office designated under IC 3-7-19:
(A) acting in accordance with that chapter; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the office’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-19.
(6) An employee of the office of the department of employment and training services:
(A) acting in accordance with IC 3-7-20.5; or
(B) who voluntarily:
(i) receives an application for voter registration by mail; and
(ii) forwards the application to a county voter registration office as part of the office’s transmittal of other applications under IC 3-7-20.5.
(7) An employee of the United States Postal Service or a bonded courier company, acting in the individual’s capacity as an employee of the United States Postal Service or a bonded courier company.
(8) A member of the applicant’s household.
(9) An applicant’s attorney in fact under IC 30-5-5-14.
(10) The election division acting in accordance with IC 3-7-33-3.7.
(11) A state agency or county voter registration office receiving an application through the online voter registration system under IC 3-7-26.7.
(12) A precinct election officer acting in the officer’s official capacity under IC 3-6-6.
(13) A county voter registration officer acting in accordance with IC 3-7.
(b) A person who receives a completed application form shall file the application with the appropriate county voter registration office or the election division not later than:
(1) noon ten (10) days after the person who initially received the completed application from the voter registration applicant received the application; or
(2) the deadline set by state law for filing the application with the county voter registration office;
whichever occurs first. The ten (10) day filing requirement applies to the delivery of a mail registration form whether prescribed by the United States Election Assistance Commission or the election division.
(c) If a person receives a completed voter registration application that the person has reason to believe is materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent, the person shall deliver the application to the appropriate county election board not later than the deadline set forth in subsection (b), with a statement sworn or affirmed to under the penalties for perjury, setting forth the reasons why the person believes the application may be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent. The county election board shall act under IC 3-6-5-31 to determine if a violation of election law has occurred.
As added by P.L.258-2013, SEC.53. Amended by P.L.64-2014, SEC.14; P.L.169-2015, SEC.38.