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Home » US Law » 2022 Illinois Compiled Statutes » GOVERNMENT » Chapter 30 - FINANCE » GRANTS AND AID » 30 ILCS 720/ – Industrial Development Assistance Law.

(30 ILCS 720/1) (from Ch. 85, par. 891)

Sec. 1.
Short title.
This Act shall be known and may be cited as the “Industrial Development Assistance Law.”

(Source: P.A. 76-1961.)


(30 ILCS 720/2) (from Ch. 85, par. 892)

Sec. 2. Declaration of policy. The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:

(A) That the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
people of this State are directly dependent upon the continual
encouragement, development, growth and expansion of business, industry
and commerce within the State.

(B) That unemployment, the spread of indigency, the heavy burden of
public assistance and unemployment compensation can best be avoided by
the promotion, attraction, stimulation, development and expansion of
business, industry and commerce in the State.

Therefore, it is declared to be the policy of this State to promote
the health, safety, morals and general welfare of its inhabitants
through its Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity by means of
grants to be made to industrial development agencies which are or may be
engaged in planning and promoting programs designed to stimulate the
establishment of new or enlarged industrial, commercial and
manufacturing enterprises within the counties served by such agencies.

(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)


(30 ILCS 720/3) (from Ch. 85, par. 893)

Sec. 3. Definitions.

“Department” means the Department of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity.

“Governing bodies” means, as to any county, municipality or township,
the body empowered to enact ordinances or to adopt resolutions for the
governance of such county, municipality or township.

“Industrial development agency” means any nonprofit corporation,
organization, association, or agency, including a local school district or community college, which shall be designated by proper
resolution of the governing body of any county, concurred in by
resolution of the governing bodies of municipalities or townships within
said county having in the aggregate over 50% of the population of said
county, as determined by the last preceding decennial United States
Census, as the agency authorized to make application to and receive
grants from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

for the purposes specified in this Act. Any two or more counties may, by the
procedures provided in this Act, designate a single industrial
development agency to represent such counties for the purposes of this

(Source: P.A. 100-679, eff. 1-1-19.)


(30 ILCS 720/4) (from Ch. 85, par. 894)

Sec. 4.
Recognition of industrial development agencies.
The Department, upon receipt of certified copies of such resolutions
as may be necessary to satisfy it that an industrial development agency has
been duly chosen to act within a particular county, shall recognize such
industrial development agency as the sole such agency within such county
for the purposes of this Act.

(Source: P.A. 76-1961.)


(30 ILCS 720/5) (from Ch. 85, par. 895)

Sec. 5.

for and approval of grants to industrial development agencies.
The Department is authorized to make grants to recognized industrial
development agencies, to assist such agencies in the financing of their
operational costs for the purposes of making studies, surveys and
investigations, the compilation of data and statistics and in the carrying
out of planning and promotional programs; but before any such grant may be

(A) The industrial development agency shall have made application to the
Department for such grant, and shall have therein set forth the studies
proposed to be made, the statistics, data and surveys proposed to be
completed, and the program proposed to be undertaken for the purpose of
encouraging and stimulating industrial development in the county. The
application shall further state, under oath or affirmation, with evidence
thereof satisfactory to the department, the amount of funds held by or
committed or subscribed to the industrial development agency for
application to the purposes herein described and the amount of the grant
for which application is made; and

(B) The Department, after review of the application, if satisfied that
the program of the industrial development agency appears to be in accord
with the purposes of this Act, shall authorize the making of a matching
grant to such industrial development agency equal to funds of the agency
allocated by it to the program described in its application; but such State
grant shall not exceed an amount equal to one-twentieth of one dollar for
each inhabitant of the county or counties represented by such agency as
determined by the last preceding decennial United States Census.

(Source: P.A. 76-1961.)


(30 ILCS 720/6) (from Ch. 85, par. 896)

Sec. 6. Payment of grants to industrial development agencies.

(a) Upon approval of each application and the making of a grant by the
department in accordance therewith, the department shall give notice to the
particular industrial development agency of such approval and grant, and
shall direct the industrial development agency to proceed with its proposed
promotional program as described in its application and to use therefor
funds allocated by the industrial development agency for such purpose. Upon
the furnishing of satisfactory evidence to the department, on a quarterly
basis, that the particular industrial development agency has so proceeded,
the grant allocated to such industrial development agency shall be paid
over on such basis to the industrial development agency by the department.

(b) In furtherance of the intent of this Act, a local school district or community college may apply competitively and receive a grant from the Department under this Act for the acquisition of land, construction of facilities, and purchase of equipment, dedicated solely to the instruction of occupations in manufacturing. To be eligible under this subsection (b), a school district or community college shall, in addition to other industrial development agency requirements under this Act, demonstrate that it provides instruction leading to industry-based certificates or degrees, or both, and its application is supported in writing by not less than 15 local manufacturing employers for high schools or 25 manufacturing employers for community colleges.

(Source: P.A. 100-679, eff. 1-1-19.)


(30 ILCS 720/7) (from Ch. 85, par. 897)

Sec. 7.
Rules and regulations of the department.
In order to effectuate and enforce the provisions of this Act, the
Department is authorized to promulgate necessary rules and regulations and
prescribe procedures in order to assure compliance by industrial
development agencies in carrying out the purposes for which grants may be
made hereunder.

(Source: P.A. 76-1961.)


(30 ILCS 720/8) (from Ch. 85, par. 898)

Sec. 8.
Cooperation with other agencies.
The Department is directed to administer this industrial development
assistance program with such flexibility as to permit full cooperation
between the State and Federal governments, or any subdivision, agency or
instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them, so as to bring
about as effective and economical an industrial development program as

(Source: P.A. 76-1961.)