(a) The Water Development Authority shall create and establish a special revolving fund of moneys made available by appropriation, grant, contribution or loan to be known as the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund. This fund shall be governed, administered and accounted for by the directors, officers and managerial staff of the Water Development Authority as a special purpose account separate and distinct from any other moneys, funds or funds owned and managed by the Water Development Authority. The infrastructure fund shall consist of sub-accounts, as deemed necessary by the council or the Water Development Authority, for the deposit of: (1) Infrastructure revenues; (2) any appropriations, grants, gifts, contributions, loan proceeds, or other revenues received by the infrastructure fund from any source, public or private; (3) amounts received as payments on any loans made by the Water Development Authority to pay for the cost of a project or infrastructure project; (4) insurance proceeds payable to the Water Development Authority or the infrastructure fund in connection with any infrastructure project or project; (5) all income earned on moneys held in the infrastructure fund; (6) all funds deposited in accordance with 31-15B-4 of this code; and (7) all proceeds derived from the sale of bonds issued pursuant to 31-15B-1 et seq. of this code.
Any money collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the West Virginia infrastructure fund by the state agent or entity charged with the collection of the same, credited to the infrastructure fund, and used only for purposes set forth in this article or 31-15B-1 et seq. of this code.
Amounts in the infrastructure fund shall be segregated and administered by the Water Development Authority separate and apart from its other assets and programs. Amounts in the infrastructure fund may not be transferred to any other fund or account or used, other than indirectly, for the purposes of any other program of the Water Development Authority, except that the Water Development Authority may use funds in the infrastructure fund to reimburse itself for any administrative costs incurred by it and approved by the council in connection with any loan, loan guarantee, grant or other funding assistance made by the Water Development Authority pursuant to this article.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, amounts in the infrastructure fund shall be deposited by the Water Development Authority in one or more banking institutions: Provided, That any moneys so deposited shall be deposited in a banking institution located in this state. The banking institution shall be selected by the Water Development Authority by competitive bid. Pending the disbursement of any money from the infrastructure fund as authorized under this section, the Water Development Authority shall invest and reinvest the moneys subject to the limitations set forth in 31-18-1 et seq. of this code.
(c) To further accomplish the purposes and intent of this article and 31-15B-1 et seq. of this code, the Water Development Authority may pledge infrastructure revenues and from time to time establish one or more restricted accounts within the infrastructure fund for the purpose of providing funds to guarantee loans for infrastructure projects or projects: Provided, That for any fiscal year the Water Development Authority may not deposit into the restricted accounts more than 20 percent of the aggregate amount of infrastructure revenues deposited into the infrastructure fund during the fiscal year. No loan guarantee shall be made pursuant to this article unless recourse under the loan guarantee is limited solely to amounts in the restricted account or accounts. No person shall have any recourse to any restricted accounts established pursuant to this subsection other than those persons to whom the loan guarantee or guarantees have been made.
(d) Each loan, loan guarantee, grant or other assistance made or provided by the Water Development Authority shall be evidenced by a loan, loan guarantee, grant or assistance agreement between the Water Development Authority and the project sponsor to which the loan, loan guarantee, grant or assistance shall be made or provided, which agreement shall include, without limitation and to the extent applicable, the following provisions:
(1) The estimated cost of the infrastructure project or project, the amount of the loan, loan guarantee or grant or the nature of the assistance, and in the case of a loan or loan guarantee, the terms of repayment and the security therefor, if any;