As used in this article:
(a) "Additional charges" means every type of charge arising out of the making or acceptance of a primary or subordinate mortgage loan, except finance charges, including, but not limited to, official fees and taxes, reasonable closing costs and certain documentary charges and insurance premiums and other charges which definition is to be read in conjunction with and permitted by section one hundred nine, article three, chapter forty-six-a of this code;
(b) "Affiliated" means persons under the same ownership or management control. As to corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships, where common owners manage or control a majority of the stock, membership interests or general partnership interests of one or more such corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships, those persons are considered affiliated. In addition, persons under the ownership or management control of the members of an immediate family shall be considered affiliated. For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means mother, stepmother, father, stepfather, sister, stepsister, brother, stepbrother, spouse, child and grandchildren;
(c) "Amount financed" means the total of the following items to the extent that payment is deferred:
(1) The cash price of the goods, services or interest in land, less the amount of any down payment, whether made in cash or in property traded in;