- Except for state-assisted old hire police officers’ and firefighters’ pension plans and those affiliated with the fire and police pension association pursuant to section 31-31-701, each old hire pension fund may consist of:
- All moneys that may be given to such board or fund by any person for the use and purpose for which such fund is created. Such board may take, by gift, grant, devise, or bequest, any money, personal property, or real estate, or interest therein, as trustees for the uses and purposes for which the fund is created;
- All moneys, fees, rewards, or emoluments of every nature and description that may be paid or given to said fund;
- All moneys derived from employer and member contributions, as provided for in sections 31-30.5-402 and 31-30.5-403.
Source: L. 96: Entire article added with relocations, p. 876, § 1, effective May 23.
Editor’s note: This section was formerly numbered as § 31-30-406.