- Notwithstanding any other provision of this article or the provisions of article 31 of this title that specifically refer to exempt plans, any municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district, prior to January 1, 1980, may establish an alternative police officers’ or firefighters’ pension benefit program or combination pension and insurance benefit program for police officers or firefighters that, if found by an actuarial study to be actuarially sound, shall be exempt from all provisions of parts 3 to 7 of this article. Such program and any amendments thereto must be approved in an election held or vote called for that purpose by at least sixty-five percent of the total votes cast by all police officers or firefighters actively employed by the municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district and all former old hire members who have earned pension rights or benefits under this article at the time the program is adopted or amended. No amendment of an exempt alternative program may be adopted that would adversely affect the accrued pension benefits of former old hire members. Once established, such exempt alternative program shall cover all police officers or firefighters employed by the municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district, regardless of the date of hire. Any municipality, fire protection district, or county improvement district having established an exempt alternative program pursuant to this section shall be entitled to receive its appropriate share of state contributions to local police officers’ or firefighters’ pension funds and shall file any reports required to receive such state contributions. The date limitation of January 1, 1980, established in this subsection (1) shall not be construed as limiting the ability of an employer to establish an exempt money purchase plan in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section and section 31-30.5-802.
- Not later than January 1, 1983, any employer that covered its firefighters or police officers hired on or after April 8, 1978, under the statewide defined benefit plan established in part 4 of article 31 of this title, may withdraw from that plan upon establishment of a money purchase plan, in accordance with the requirements governing exempt alternative programs under subsection (1) of this section.
- Such money purchase plan shall include all firefighters or police officers hired on or after April 8, 1978, and may include all old hire firefighter or police officer members, at the option of the employer.
- The money purchase plan shall be approved by sixty-five percent of all firefighters or police officers hired on or after April 8, 1978. In order for old hire firefighter or police officer members to be included in such plan, pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subsection (2), sixty-five percent of those members shall approve the plan.
- Any employer desiring to withdraw pursuant to the provisions of this section shall file a resolution with the fire and police pension association stating such intent. The resolution shall also state a requested effective date for withdrawal.
- The withdrawal shall be effective on the requested effective date or on the first day of the month following certification by the fire and police pension association of the approval of the members, whichever occurs later.
Source: L. 96: Entire article added with relocations, p. 889, § 1, effective May 23. L. 2005: (1) amended, p. 776, § 64, effective June 1.
Editor’s note: This section was formerly numbered as § 31-30-325.