- To carry out the purposes of this article, the board is authorized to issue general obligation negotiable coupon bonds of the rail district. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate such that the net effective interest rate of the issue of said bonds does not exceed that maximum net effective interest rate authorized and shall be due and payable serially, either annually or semiannually, commencing not later than three years and extending not more than thirty years from the date of issuance. The form and terms of said bonds, including provisions for their payment and redemption, shall be determined by the board. If the board so determines, said bonds may be redeemable prior to maturity with or without payment of a premium, not exceeding three percent of the principal thereof. In any event, said bonds shall be subject to call not later than fifteen years from date. Said bonds shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the rail district and signed by the chairman with the seal of the rail district affixed thereto and attested by the secretary. Said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the board determines, and the bonds and coupons, if any, thereto attached may be payable to bearer or may be in fully registered form. Interest coupons shall bear the original or facsimile signature of the chairman.
- Bonds voted for different purposes by separate propositions submitted at the same or different bond elections may, at the discretion of the board, be combined and issued as a single issue of bonds so long as the security therefor is the same.
Source: L. 82: Entire article added, p. 514, § 1, effective April 23.