RCW 32.20.400
Loans for home or property repairs, alterations, appliances, improvements, additions, furnishings, underground utilities, education or nonbusiness family purposes.
A mutual savings bank may invest not to exceed twenty percent of its funds pursuant to this section in loans for home or property repairs, alterations, appliances, improvements, or additions, home furnishings, for installation of underground utilities, for educational purposes, or for nonbusiness family purposes: PROVIDED, That the application therefor shall state that the proceeds are to be used for one of the above purposes.
[ 1999 c 14 § 28; 1981 c 86 § 7; 1977 ex.s. c 104 § 6; 1969 c 55 § 9; 1967 c 145 § 10; 1963 c 176 § 18.]NOTES:
Severability—1981 c 86: See note following RCW 32.08.140.