Sec. 4. “Homeowners association” means a corporation or another entity that:
(1) is organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of two (2) or more persons who each own a dwelling in fee simple;
(2) acts, in accordance with the articles, bylaws, or other documents governing the corporation or entity, to:
(A) acquire, transfer, manage, repair, maintain, or engage in construction on or in the land and improvements on the land related to the use of the dwellings owned by the members of the corporation or entity;
(B) purchase insurance to cover a casualty or an activity on or in the land and improvements on the land;
(C) engage in an activity incidental to an activity described in clause (A) or (B); or
(D) engage in more than one (1) of the activities described in clauses (A) through (C); and
(3) may be governed by a board that serves the purpose of setting policy and controlling or otherwise overseeing the activities or functional responsibilities of the corporation or entity.
As added by P.L.167-2009, SEC.2.