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Home » US Law » 2022 Arizona Revised Statutes » Title 32 - Professions and Occupations » Article 2 - Agency Licensing » § 32-2612 – Qualifications of applicant for agency license; substantiation of work experience

32-2612. Qualifications of applicant for agency license; substantiation of work experience

A. Each applicant, if an individual, or each associate, director or manager, if the applicant is other than an individual, for an agency license to be issued pursuant to this chapter shall:

1. Be at least twenty-one years of age.

2. Be a citizen or a legal resident of the United States who is authorized to seek employment in the United States.

3. Not have been convicted of any felony or currently be under indictment for a felony.

4. Within the five years immediately preceding the application for an agency license, not have been convicted of any misdemeanor act involving:

(a) Personal violence or force against another person or threatening to commit any act of personal violence or force against another person.

(b) Misconduct involving a deadly weapon as provided in section 13-3102.

(c) Dishonesty or fraud.

(d) Arson.

(e) Theft.

(f) Domestic violence.

(g) A violation of title 13, chapter 34 or 34.1 or an offense that has the same elements as an offense listed in title 13, chapter 34 or 34.1.

(h) Sexual misconduct.

5. Not be on parole, on community supervision, on work furlough, on home arrest, on release on any other basis or named in an outstanding arrest warrant.

6. Not be serving a term of probation pursuant to a conviction for any act of personal violence or domestic violence, as defined in section 13-3601, or an offense that has the same elements as an offense listed in section 13-3601.

7. Not be any of the following:

(a) Adjudicated mentally incompetent.

(b) Found to constitute a danger to self or others or to be in persistent or acute disability or grave disability pursuant to section 36-540.

(c) Found incompetent pursuant to rule 11, Arizona rules of criminal procedure.

(d) Found guilty except insane.

8. Not have a disability as defined in section 41-1461, unless that person is a qualified individual as defined in section 41-1461.

9. Not have been convicted of acting or attempting to act as a security guard or a security guard agency without a license if a license was required.

10. Not be a registered sex offender.

B. The qualifying party for an agency license and the resident manager, if a resident manager is required pursuant to section 32-2616, shall have at least three years of full-time experience as a manager, supervisor or administrator of a security guard agency or three years of full-time supervisory experience with any federal, United States military, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency. The qualifying party for an agency license and the resident manager, if a resident manager is required pursuant to section 32-2616, must substantiate managerial work experience claimed as years of qualifying experience and provide the exact details as to the character and nature of the experience on a form prescribed by the department and certified by the employer. On written request, an employer shall submit to the employee a written certification of prior work experience within thirty calendar days. The written certification is subject to independent verification by the department. If an employer goes out of business, the employer shall provide registered employees with a complete and accurate record of their work history. If an applicant is unable to supply written certification from an employer in whole or in part, the applicant may offer written certification from persons other than an employer covering the same subject matter for consideration by the department. The burden of proving the minimum years of experience is on the applicant.

C. The department may deny an agency license if the department determines that the applicant is unfit based on a conviction, citation or encounter with law enforcement for a statutory violation.