RCW 32.32.075
Prohibition on purchase of shares by officers, directors, and their associates—Exception.
No officer or director, or their associates, may purchase without the prior written approval of the director the capital stock of the converted savings bank except from a broker or a dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a period of three years following the conversion. This provision shall not apply to negotiated transactions involving more than one percent of the outstanding capital stock of the converted savings bank.
As used in this section, the term “negotiated transactions” means transactions in which the securities are offered and the terms and arrangements relating to any sale of the securities are arrived at through direct communications between the seller or any person acting on the seller’s behalf and the purchaser or the purchaser’s investment representative. The term “investment representative” means a professional investment adviser acting as agent for the purchaser and independent of the seller and not acting on behalf of the seller in connection with the transaction.
[ 1994 c 92 § 357; 1981 c 85 § 14.]