There is hereby created a political subdivision of the Commonwealth known as the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, for purposes of this chapter referred to as “the Authority.”
In addition to such other powers vested in the Authority by this chapter, the Authority shall have the following powers and functions:
1. The Authority shall prepare a regional transportation plan for Planning District 8 that includes transportation improvements of regional significance and those improvements necessary or incidental thereto and shall revise and amend the plan. The provisions of Article 7 (§ 33.2-1928 et seq.) of Chapter 19 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to preparation of such transportation plan.
2. The Authority shall evaluate all significant transportation projects, including highway, mass transit, and technology projects, in and near Planning District 8, to the extent that funds are available for such purpose. The evaluation shall provide an objective, quantitative rating for each project according to the degree to which the project is expected to reduce congestion and, to the extent feasible, the degree to which the project is expected to improve regional mobility in the event of a homeland security emergency. Such evaluation shall rely on analytical techniques and transportation modeling, including those that employ computer simulations currently and customarily employed in transportation planning. The Authority may rely on the results of transportation modeling performed by other entities, including the Department of Transportation and private entities contracted for this purpose, provided that such modeling is in accordance with this section. The Authority shall publicize the quantitative ratings determined for each project on its website and complete the evaluation at least once every four years, with interim progress reports provided on the website at least once every six months.
For purposes of this section, the significant transportation projects to be evaluated may include:
a. Projects included in the version of the Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board in effect when the evaluation is made, plus additional projects in the plan adopted according to subdivision 1; and
b. Other highway, rail, bus, and technology projects that could make a significant impact on mobility in the region, including additional Potomac River crossings west and south of Washington, D.C.; extension of the Metro Orange Line, Metro Yellow Line, and Metro Blue Line; bus rapid transit on Interstate 66; vehicle capacity and mass transit improvements on the U.S. Route 1 corridor; and implementation of relevant portions of the Statewide Transportation Plan established pursuant to § 33.2-353.
3. The Authority may, when a transportation plan is adopted according to subdivision 1, construct or acquire, by purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise, the transportation facilities specified in such transportation plan.
4. The Authority may enter into agreements or leases with public or private entities for the operation of its facilities or may operate such facilities itself.
5. The Authority may enter into contracts or agreements with the counties and cities embraced by the Authority, with other transportation commissions of transportation districts adjoining any county or city embraced by the Authority, with any transportation authority, or with any federal, state, local, or private entity to provide, or cause to be provided, transportation facilities and services to the area embraced by the Authority. Such contracts or agreements, together with any agreements or leases for the operation of such facilities, may be used by the Authority to finance the construction and operation of transportation facilities and such contracts, agreements, or leases shall inure to the benefit of any creditor of the Authority.
Notwithstanding subdivisions 1 through 5, the Authority shall not have the power to regulate services provided by taxicabs, either within municipalities or across municipal boundaries; such regulation is expressly reserved to the municipalities within which taxicabs operate.
6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Authority may:
a. Acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, or gift and provide transportation facilities thereon for use in connection with any transportation service;
b. Acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, or gift in advance of the need for sale or contribution to an agency, for use by that agency in connection with an adopted transportation plan; and
c. Prepare a plan for mass transportation services with persons, counties, cities, agencies, authorities, or transportation commissions and may further contract with any such person or entity to provide necessary facilities, equipment, operations and maintenance, access, and insurance pursuant to such plan.
2002, c. 846, § 15.2-4830; 2014, c. 805; 2019, c. 749.