A. As used in this section, “high-priority projects” means those projects of regional or statewide significance, such as projects that reduce congestion or increase safety, accessibility, environmental quality, or economic development.
B. The Board shall establish a high-priority projects program and shall use funds allocated in § 33.2-358 to the program for projects and strategies that address a transportation need identified for a corridor of statewide significance or a regional network in the Statewide Transportation Plan pursuant to § 33.2-353. From funds allocated to this program, the Board shall allocate funds to the Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund, provided that the allocation shall not exceed $25 million annually.
In selecting projects and strategies for funding under this program, the Board shall screen, evaluate, and select candidate projects and strategies according to the process established pursuant to subsection B of § 33.2-214.1.
2015, c. 684.