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  • (a) The Virgin Islands Board of General Construction Contractors is hereby established within the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs. The Board shall consist of seven members, including the Commissioner of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs or his designee as an ex officio member, and six other members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature. Each appointed member shall be a resident of the Virgin Islands and shall have been a licensed general construction contractor in good standing for at least three years prior to the date of appointment. Three members shall be residents of the District of St. Croix, and three members shall be residents of the District of St. Thomas/St. John, one of whom shall be a resident of St. John; provided, however, that at least two members from each district shall be member designees of the Association of General Contractors or a similar organization in the district in which he resides.

  • (b) The Governor shall appoint the Board as follows: two members shall be appointed for one year; two members shall be appointed for two years, and two members shall be appointed for three years. Thereafter, all members shall serve terms of three years, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring on the Board prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed only for the remainder of such term. Each member of the Board shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Legislature. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. However, until the Governor has appointed at least four members of the Board and the members are confirmed by the Legislature, the Commissioner shall assume the powers and duties of the Board and act on its behalf.

  • (c) The Board shall elect at its first meeting in each calendar year one of its members to serve as Chairman and another member to serve as Vice Chairman.

  • (d) The Board, under the hand of its Chairman and the seal of the Board, may subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance and require the production of papers, records or documents in any inquiry, proceeding or for discovery that may be instituted by it or be pending before it. Any member of the Board may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses appearing before the Board.

  • (e) Each member of the Board shall receive $50 for each day or part thereof spent in the work of the Board, plus actual travel expenses including meals and lodging.

  • (f) A member of the Board may be removed by the Governor for cause.

  • (g) As used in this Chapter, “Board” means the Virgin Islands Board of General Construction Contractors and “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs.