34.05 Designation of public depositories.
(1) The governing board of each public depositor shall, by resolution, designate one or more public depositories, organized and doing business under the laws of this state or federal law and located in this state, in which the treasurer of the governing board shall deposit all public moneys received by him or her and specify whether the moneys shall be maintained in time deposits subject to the limitations of s. 66.0603 (1m), demand deposits, or savings deposits and whether a surety bond or other security shall be required to be furnished under s. 34.07 by the public depository to secure the repayment of such deposits. A designation of a public depository by the governing board shall be a designation of the public depository for all treasurers of the governing board and for all public depositors for which each treasurer shall act.
(2) Whenever any governing board fails or refuses to designate a public depository, the treasurer of the public depositor, after notice in writing to each member of the governing board and subject to further action of the governing board, may designate public depositories for no longer than 90 days in the same manner as if designated by the governing board.
(3) Every treasurer shall deposit public moneys immediately upon receipt in the name of the public depositor in the public depository or public depositories designated by the governing board.
(4) Notwithstanding sub. (1), s. 66.0603 (1m) (a), or any other provision of law, the governing board of a public depositor may direct the treasurer of the governing board to deposit public moneys in a selected public depository and, directly or through an authorized agent, instruct the public depository to arrange for the redeposit of the moneys through a deposit placement program that meets all of the following conditions:
(a) On or after the date that it receives the public moneys, the selected public depository arranges for the redeposit of the moneys into deposit accounts in one or more federal or state savings and loan associations, state banks, federal or state savings banks, savings and trust companies, or national banks insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or federal or state credit unions insured by the national credit union administration.
(b) The full amount of the public depositor’s moneys redeposited by the selected depository into deposit accounts with the financial institutions identified in par. (a), plus any accrued interest, are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or national credit union administration.
History: 1975 c. 180; 1979 c. 318; 1983 a. 368; 1985 a. 25; 1989 a. 31; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2001 a. 30; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 204; 2013 a. 20.
Legislative Council Note, 1985: Sub. (1) is amended to remove the requirements that (a) the governing board of each public depositor file a certified copy of its resolution that designates a public depository with the commissioner of banking and (b) a public depository be approved as a qualified public depository by a state or federal regulator. The subsection is further amended by removing the prohibition that a public depositor may not condition its public depository decisions upon an agreement by the public depository to invest deposits in any particular form of investment or in any particular geographic location.
Sub. (1) is also amended to clarify that it is the governing body’s responsibility to determine whether collateral, a surety bond or other security, shall be furnished by the public depository as a means of securing public deposits.
Sub. (2) is amended to remove the requirement that a treasurer, acting when a governing board fails to act, must certify a designation of a public depository to the commissioner of banking.
Sub. (3) contains no substantive changes. However, defined terms are substituted for existing language.
Sub. (4) is repealed. This subsection relates to payments made to the state deposit guarantee fund and penalties based on those payments by any municipality attempting to evade the requirements of ch. 34. This subsection is no longer necessary since the fund is prospectively abolished in this bill. [85 Act 25]