- Beehives shall be equipped with movable combs.
- Bees on combs and used beekeeping appliances or equipment entering Colorado must be accompanied by a certificate declaring the apiaries from which the bees, appliances, or equipment originated to be free from contagious diseases. This certificate shall be from a duly authorized inspector of the state of origin.
- Anyone desiring to move bees on combs or used bee equipment into the state of Colorado shall be required to secure an entry permit from the commissioner. Application for this permit shall be accompanied by a timely certificate of inspection, as defined by the commissioner, issued from the state apiary inspection agency of the state of origin, showing freedom from contagious disease, the number of colonies to be moved, and the county to which the owner or operator desires to move. The owner or operator of the bees or equipment shall notify the commissioner upon arrival in the state.
Source: L. 73: p. 206, § 1. C.R.S. 1963: § 7-7-8. L. 90: Entire section amended, p. 1595, § 8, effective April 3.