- The department shall designate within the state five agricultural districts. As far as practicable, such districts shall be so constituted as to contain approximately equal numbers of agricultural producers. Such districts shall include in the aggregate all of the land in the state.
- The department shall also designate within each county of this state such geographic units, which shall be called communities, as it determines to be the most convenient for the administration of this article and of state plans adopted pursuant to this article, and it shall establish the boundaries of such communities.
- The department may revise the boundaries of such agricultural districts and of such communities, in conformity with the respective standards prescribed in this article, at such times as it finds that such revision is necessary either to cause such districts or communities, or both, to conform to said standards or to provide for the more substantial or more efficient accomplishment of the purposes of this article.
Source: L. 37: p. 264, § 8. CSA: C. 5, § 68. CRS 53: § 6-3-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-3-8.