- It is unlawful for any person, by any means whatsoever, to knowingly transport, into or in Colorado, live pests or host material which may be injurious to agriculture or horticulture in this state, without permission from the commissioner.
- The commissioner may issue and enforce a hold order against any person who owns or controls any nursery stock, agricultural crop, or other plant material that is suspected of harboring a plant pest or disease, for the purpose of isolating the material, restricting its movement, and specifying appropriate sanitary measures pending completion of testing to confirm the presence of such pest or disease.
Source: L. 37: p. 647, § 10. CSA: C. 80, § 52. CRS 53: § 6-10-8. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-10-8. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 1132, § 5, effective May 16. L. 2007: Entire section amended, p. 926, § 3, effective July 1.