Any shipment of any plant material into Colorado when found to be in violation of a quarantine declared pursuant to section 35-4-110 or when found to carry exotic pests not previously found in the United States or pests known to cause high levels of economic damage under similar conditions of climate and natural habitat in other areas outside this state by the commissioner may be placed in isolation or quarantine by the commissioner and shall be completely under the commissioner’s control. The owner or bailee shall comply with all terms of the quarantine, abate such pests as directed by and to the satisfaction of the commissioner or remove such shipment from the state within such time as ordered by the commissioner. Articles not removed from the state as ordered shall be destroyed by the commissioner with no recompense therefor to the owner. Any owner or bailee claiming that his or her shipment of plant material was destroyed or ordered removed from the state without reasonable justification may request a hearing on that issue before the commissioner within ten days after such destruction or order of removal. If it is determined that a shipment of plant material was destroyed or ordered removed from the state by the commissioner without reasonable justification and that such action was done arbitrarily and capriciously, the department of agriculture shall reimburse such owner or bailee for any losses suffered.
Source: L. 37: p. 647, § 11. CSA: C. 80, § 53. CRS 53: § 6-10-9. C.R.S. 1963: § 6-10-9. L. 78: Entire section amended, p. 458, § 6, effective April 27. L. 85: Entire section amended, p. 1132, § 6, effective May 16. L. 96: Entire section amended, p. 321, § 2, effective April 16.