- Any person who willfully destroys the property of exhibitors, visitors, or lessees on the fairgrounds, or hinders or obstructs the officers or policemen in the performance of their duties, or wrongfully or maliciously gains admission to the fairgrounds contrary to the rules of said society or without paying the established fees during any fair of said society is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than thirty days. All fines so imposed and collected under this section shall be paid into the treasury of the county in which such trial is held.
- This section is repealed, effective March 1, 2022.
Source: L. 1887: p. 24, § 2. R.S. 08: § 2518. C.L. § 481. CSA: C. 65, § 16. CRS 53: § 54-1-11. C.R.S. 1963: § 54-1-10. L. 69: p. 367, § 1. L. 2021: (2) added by revision, (SB 21-271), ch. 462, pp. 3289, 3331, §§ 667, 803.
Editor’s note: Section 803(2) of chapter 462 (SB 21-271), Session Laws of Colorado 2021, provides that the act repealing this section applies to offenses committed on or after March 1, 2022.