- The Colorado state fair authority, as it existed prior to June 30, 1997, is abolished. There is hereby created the Colorado state fair authority, which is created within the department of agriculture as a division thereof. The Colorado state fair authority shall exercise its powers, duties, and functions under the department of agriculture as if it were transferred to said department by a type 1 transfer under the provisions of the “Administrative Organization Act of 1968”.
- The function of the Colorado state fair authority is to direct and supervise the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition created pursuant to section 35-65-105.
- On June 30, 1997, the existing board of commissioners of the Colorado state fair authority is abolished, and the terms of the members of the board then serving are terminated.
- There is hereby created the board of commissioners of the Colorado state fair authority, which shall have eleven members, ten of whom shall be appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate and one who shall be the commissioner of agriculture or his or her designee. At no time shall more than six members of the board be affiliated with the same political party as the governor. Within thirty days after June 30, 1997, the governor shall appoint the initial members of the board. The governor may appoint, as a member of the board, any person who was a member of the board prior to its termination.
- Of the ten appointed members of the board, two shall be residents of the county in which the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition is held and, of the remaining eight members, at least one shall be a resident of each of the congressional districts of the state and at least two shall be residents of the western slope of the state.
- Of the members first appointed to the board, two members representing congressional districts shall be appointed for terms expiring November 1, 1998; two members representing congressional districts shall be appointed for terms expiring November 1, 1999; one member representing a congressional district, one member representing the county in which the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition is held, and one at-large member shall be appointed for terms expiring November 1, 2000; one member representing a congressional district, one at-large member, and one member representing the county in which the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition is held shall be appointed for terms expiring November 1, 2001. Thereafter, members of the board shall be appointed for terms of four years. Appointments made to the board when the senate is not in session shall be temporary appointments, and the appointees shall serve on a temporary basis until the senate is in session and is able to confirm such appointments. Each member shall hold office until the member’s successor is appointed and qualified.
- Of the ten appointed members of the board, one shall be a certified public accountant, one shall have expertise in finance through current management-level experience in banking, and one shall have substantial experience in agriculture or in the activities of 4-H clubs.
- Any appointed member may be removed for cause at any time during the member’s term by the governor. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by appointment by the governor with the consent of the senate for the unexpired terms.
- Members of the board shall serve without pay but shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 810 , § 1, effective June 30, 1997.) (8.5) All eleven members of the board, including the commissioner of agriculture or his or her designee, shall be voting members of the board. The members of the board shall elect a chair, a vice-chair, and a secretary from among the membership of the board. Board action shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the board.
- The board shall:
- Provide for the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition, subject to available appropriations by the general assembly;
- Enter into any agreements with other agencies of the state government as may be necessary to provide for the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition;
- Hire and employ the manager of the Colorado state fair authority in accordance with the provisions of section 35-65-403 ;
- Meet as often as necessary, but not less than once a month;
- Repealed.
- Accept contributions from nonstate sources for the purpose of financing and supporting the Colorado state fair and industrial exposition;
- and (g) Repealed. (h)
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 810 , § 1, effective June 30, 1997.) (j) Adopt rules in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.; (k) Submit annual reports in accordance with section 35-65-406 ; (l) Perform such other duties as may be required by law.
(9.5) and (10) Repealed. (11) (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 810 , § 1, effective June 30, 1997.)
Source: L. 83: Entire part added, p. 1368, § 2, effective June 2. L. 84: (9)(e) and (9)(h) amended and (9)(i) added, p. 947, § 1, effective April 17. L. 86: (1) amended, p. 895, § 2, effective April 17. L. 86, 2nd Ex. Sess.: (1) amended, p. 69, § 15, effective August 25. L. 87: (4) amended, p. 913, § 28, effective June 15; (10) amended, p. 1092, § 10, effective July 1. L. 94: (10) repealed, p. 1250, § 2, effective July 1. L. 96: (9.5) added, p. 43, § 1, effective March 20; (1) amended, p. 1544, § 139, effective June 1; (9)(e) and (9)(g) repealed, p. 1221, § 17, effective August 7. L. 97: (9.5) amended, p. 1, § 1, effective January 21; (9.5) amended, p. 204, § 1, effective April 7; (1) to (9), (9.5), and (11) amended and (8.5) added, pp. 810, 815, §§ 1, 3, effective June 30. L. 99: (9)(f) amended, p. 293, § 1, effective April 14. L. 2004: (9)(f) amended, p. 168, § 1, effective March 23; (9)(f.5) added, p. 1263, § 5, effective May 27. L. 2008: (9)(f.5) repealed, p. 866, § 5, effective January 22, 2009.
Editor’s note: Subsection (9.5)(b) provided for the repeal of subsection (9.5), effective July 1, 1997. (See L. 97, p. 815 .)
Cross references: (1) For the legislative declaration contained in the 1996 act repealing subsections (9)(e) and (9)(g), see section 1 of chapter 237, Session Laws of Colorado 1996; for the legislative declaration contained in the 2004 act enacting subsection (9)(f.5), see section 1 of chapter 322, Session Laws of Colorado 2004.
(2) For the “Administrative Organization Act of 1968”, see article 1 of title 24.