- The state board of land commissioners shall have the authority to undertake nonsimultaneous exchanges of land. For the purposes of section 22-41-101 (2), C.R.S., proceeds of land sold or otherwise disposed as part of a nonsimultaneous transfer pursuant to this section are not part of the designated trust fund until the nonsimultaneous transfer is completed pursuant to subsection (4) of this section.
- All revenues derived from the sale or other disposition of state trust land that is designated by the state board of land commissioners as being part of a nonsimultaneous exchange shall be transmitted by the director of the state board of land commissioners to the state treasurer who shall credit the same to a separate account in the nonsimultaneous state trust land exchange cash fund, which fund is hereby created. All interest derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the appropriate account in the fund. Moneys held in the fund shall not be used for the operating expenses of the board or for expenses incident to the disposition or acquisition of lands. Moneys in the fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the state board of land commissioners for the purposes of this section.
- Land that is designated by the state board of land commissioners to be purchased at the completion or partial completion of a designated nonsimultaneous exchange shall be paid for by moneys in the appropriate account in the fund.
- Upon a determination by the state board of land commissioners that a nonsimultaneous exchange is completed, but in any event no later than two years after the sale or other disposition of land designated as part of a nonsimultaneous exchange, any moneys remaining in a designated account in the fund shall be credited by the state treasurer to the trust fund maintained by the state treasurer for the proceeds of the trust lands disposed of or sold.
Source: L. 97: Entire section added, p. 843, § 21, effective May 21.