RCW 36.145.080
Board of supervisors—Members—Vacancies.
(1) A community facilities district must be governed by a board of supervisors possessing the powers set forth under RCW 36.145.090. The board of supervisors must be appointed by each applicable legislative authority within sixty days of the formation of the district. Except as expressly provided under this section, each applicable legislative authority is authorized to appoint members to the board of supervisors only from among the members of its own governing body. Each applicable legislative authority must appoint the petitioner members or nominees required under subsection (2) or (3) of this section. The term of office of each supervisor is three years and until a successor is appointed, except that the supervisors first appointed serve for one and two years respectively from the date of their appointments, as designated in their appointments.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, if the proposed district is located entirely within a single jurisdiction, then the board of supervisors consists of: (a) Three members of the legislative authority of the jurisdiction; and (b) two members appointed from among the list of eligible supervisors included in the petition as provided in RCW 36.145.020(1)(h). All members of the board of supervisors must be natural persons.
(3) If all or a portion of the proposed district is located within unincorporated land that is entirely surrounded by an incorporated city or town, then the board of supervisors consists of: (a) Two members appointed from the county legislative authority; (b) two members appointed from the legislative authority of the city or town that is the additional legislative authority under RCW 36.145.010(4); and (c) one member appointed from the list of eligible petitioners included in the petition as provided in RCW 36.145.020(1)(h), depending on the number of additional members that are required to result in an overall odd number of supervisors.
(4) If the county, city, or town is the exclusive legislative authority pursuant to RCW 36.145.010, then the board of supervisors consists of: (a) Three members appointed from such county, city, or town; and (b) two members from the list of eligible petitioners or nominees included in the petition, as provided in RCW 36.145.020(1)(h), to result in an overall odd number of supervisors.
(5) The legislative authorities may appoint qualified professionals with expertise in municipal finance in lieu of one or more appointments authorized in this section. A jurisdiction’s appointments to the board of supervisors may consist of a combination of qualified professionals authorized under this section and one or more members from the applicable legislative authority. Nothing contained in this section authorizes a legislative authority to exceed the maximum number of appointments set forth under subsection (2) or (3) of this section.
(6) A vacancy on the board must be filled by the legislative authority authorized to make the appointment to the applicable supervisor position under this section. Vacancies must be filled by a person in the same position vacating the board, which for initial petitioner members or nominees includes successor owners of property located within the boundaries of an approved district. If the approved district was originally located entirely on unincorporated land and the unincorporated land has been annexed into a city or town, then, as of the effective date of annexation, the city or town is deemed the exclusive legislative authority for the purposes of this chapter and the composition of the board must be structured accordingly, as provided in this section. Supervisors must serve without compensation, but they are entitled to expenses, including traveling expenses, necessarily incurred in discharge of their duties. The board must designate a chair from time to time.
[ 2010 c 7 § 301.]