RCW 36.145.120
Payment of bonds—Related costs.
(1) The district may utilize the special assessments and revenue derived in accordance with this chapter for the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued pursuant to the authority granted under this chapter to fund or reimburse the costs of facilities authorized under this chapter and prior to the issuance of bonds, may utilize the revenue to directly fund the costs of providing the facilities authorized under this chapter on a pay-as-you-go basis.
(2) The board of supervisors may establish, administer, and pay or otherwise dedicate, pledge, or obligate the assessments and revenue generated in accordance with this chapter into a specific fund created by or on behalf of the district, in order to guarantee payment of obligations incurred in connection with facilities provided under this chapter, including the payment of principal and interest on any bonds issued by or on behalf of the district.
(3) The proceeds of any bond issued pursuant to this chapter may be used to pay any and all costs related to providing the facilities authorized under this chapter, including expenses incurred in connection with issuance of the bonds.
(4) The reporting requirements of RCW 39.44.210 apply to any bond issuance under this chapter.
[ 2010 c 7 § 503.]