- Any power or powers, privileges, or authority exercised or capable of exercise by a public agency of this state may be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any other public agency of any other state or of the United States to the extent that laws of such other state or of the United States permit such joint exercise or enjoyment. The authority for joint or cooperative action of political subdivisions shall apply to powers, privileges, or authority vested in, funded by, or under the control of their governing bodies.
- Any public agency in this state may enter into agreements with a public agency in another state for joint or cooperative action pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. Appropriate action of the governing bodies of the participating public agencies by resolution or otherwise pursuant to law shall be necessary before any such agreement may enter into force. Any such agreement shall be subject to the requirements provided by the Constitution and general laws of this state with respect to intergovernmental contracts.
- Any such agreement shall specify the following:
- The precise organization, composition, and nature of any separate legal or administrative entity or entities created thereby, which may include, but is not limited to, a corporation not for profit, together with the powers delegated to such a corporation;
- Its purpose or purposes;
- The manner of financing the joint or cooperative undertaking and of establishing and maintaining a budget for such undertaking;
- The permissible method or methods to be employed in accomplishing the partial or complete termination of the agreement and for disposing of property upon such partial or complete termination; and
- Any other necessary and proper matters.
- In the event that the agreement does not establish a separate legal entity or entities to conduct the joint or cooperative undertaking, the agreement shall, in addition to the requirements of subsection (c) of this Code section contain the following:
- Provision for an administrator or a joint board responsible for administering the joint or cooperative undertaking. In the case of a joint board, public agencies party to the agreement shall be represented; and
- The manner of acquiring, holding, and disposing of real and personal property used in the joint or cooperative undertaking.
- No agreement made pursuant to this chapter shall relieve any public agency of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law, except that, to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by a joint board or other legal or administrative entity or entities created by an agreement made hereunder, those performances may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility.
- A separate legal or administrative entity, created by interlocal agreement under this chapter, is not empowered to:
- Assess, levy, or collect ad valorem taxes;
- Issue general obligation bonds; or
- Exercise the power of eminent domain.
- However, to the extent that the participating political subdivisions possess such powers, the political subdivisions may exercise such powers on behalf and for the benefit of the separate legal or administrative entity.
- The contract shall state the total obligation of the county or municipality for the calendar year of execution and shall further state the total obligation which will be incurred in each calendar year renewal term, if renewed; and
- The contract shall provide that title to any supplies, materials, equipment, or other personal property shall remain in the vendor until fully paid for by the county or municipality.
- A separate legal or administrative entity, created by interlocal agreement under this chapter, is not empowered to:
- Any agreement under this chapter shall contain provisions for the following:
- In addition to the provisions enumerated in paragraph (1) of this subsection, any contract authorized by this chapter may include:
- A provision which requires that the contract will terminate immediately and absolutely at such time as appropriated and otherwise unobligated funds are no longer available to satisfy the obligations of the county or municipality under the contract; or
- Any other provision reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the county or municipality.
- Any contract developed under this chapter containing the provisions enumerated in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be deemed to obligate the county or municipality only for those sums payable during the calendar year of execution or, in the event of a renewal by the county or municipality, for those sums payable in the individual calendar year renewal term.
- No contract developed and executed pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed to create a debt of the county or municipality for the payment of any sum beyond the calendar year of execution or, in the event of a renewal, beyond the calendar year of such renewal.
- No contract developed and executed pursuant to this chapter may be delivered if the principal portion of such contract, when added to the amount of debt incurred by any county or municipality pursuant to Article IX, Section V, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia, exceeds 10 percent of the assessed value of all taxable property within such county or municipality.
(A) The contract shall terminate absolutely and without further obligation on the part of the county or municipality at the close of the calendar year in which it was executed and at the close of each succeeding calendar year for which it may be renewed as provided in this Code section;
(B) The contract may provide for automatic renewal unless positive action is taken by the county or municipality to terminate such contract, and the nature of such action shall be determined by the county or municipality and specified in the contract;
History. Code 1981, § 36-69A-4 , enacted by Ga. L. 2005, p. 686, § 1/HB 570.