- On or before September 1 in each year, the secretary shall transmit to the county assessor of each county a certified copy of so much of said assessment book as relates to land within the county of said county assessors, together with the certified copy of the order of the board of directors.
- Thereupon it is the duty of the county assessor, without expense to the drainage district, to assess and enter upon his records as assessor, in its appropriate column, the assessments so certified, which assessments shall be delivered to the county treasurer as part of the assessment roll in the same manner as general, state, and county taxes are certified by the county assessor to the county treasurer for collection.
Source: L. 11: p. 323, § 56. L. 21: p. 279, § 2. C.L. § 2170. CSA: C. 57, § 65. CRS 53: § 47-4-13. C.R.S. 1963: § 47-4-13.