- Any conservancy district organized may be dissolved in the manner specified in this section and sections 37-3.5-103 to 37-3.5-107 if such district has not been authorized to incur bonded or other indebtedness under the procedures set forth in article 5 of this title and such district has not incurred bonded or other indebtedness pursuant to the provisions of any other law; except that, if such district has entered into a contract with the United States or any other agency thereof, no dissolution shall take place unless the secretary of the interior of the United States has first consented thereto.
- An election submitting the proposition of dissolution of the district may be initiated by the filing of a copy of a resolution adopted by three-fourths of all the members of the board of directors of such district requesting such an election or by the filing of a petition requesting such election. Such resolution or petition shall be filed in the district court which formed said district.
- Any such petition so filed shall be accompanied by a good and sufficient bond for five hundred dollars with not less than two sureties approved by the court, and, if a majority of the qualified electors do not vote for dissolution in the election specified in this article, the amount of such bond shall be forfeited to the district; otherwise the same shall be discharged.
- If the valuation for assessment of land together with improvements thereon within said district when formed is in excess of twenty million dollars, such petition shall bear signatures of any owners of land equal in number to two-thirds or more of the number of such type of owners required by section 37-2-102 upon a petition for the formation of such a district. Such land shall be situated within the limits of the district and shall not be embraced within the incorporated limits of any city or town. Said petition shall also bear the signatures of any owners of land or land embraced within the incorporated limits of a city or town equal in number to two-thirds or more of the number of such type of owners required by said section upon a petition for the formation of such a district, said land to be situated within the limits of the district.
- If the valuation for assessment of land and improvements thereon within such district when formed is less than twenty million dollars, said petition shall contain the same number and type of signatures required by section 37-2-102 upon petitions for the formation of such a district. In either case the petition shall set forth opposite each signature the description of the land and the valuation for assessment thereof together with any improvements. Similar petitions or duplicate copies of the same petition may be filed together and shall be regarded as one petition. No petition with the requisite signatures shall be declared void on account of alleged defects, but the court may permit the petition to be amended from time to time to conform to the facts by correcting errors in descriptions, valuation, or any other particular.
Source: L. 81: Entire article added, p. 1747, § 2, effective May 28.