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Home » US Law » 2022 Colorado Code » Title 37 - Water and Irrigation » Article 31 - Grand Valley Drainage District » § 37-31-102. Grand Valley Drainage District Created – Boundaries – Inclusion of Land
  1. There is hereby created the Grand Valley drainage district. Said district is declared to be a body corporate under the laws of Colorado and by said name may sue and defend any actions, suits, and proceedings. Said district, situate in the county of Mesa, Colorado, shall be comprised of the district now known as Grand Junction drainage district and is included within, and may expand beyond, the following boundaries: Beginning at a point bearing south twenty-nine degrees, thirty minutes west, five hundred fifty-five feet from the east quarter corner of section three, in township eleven south of range ninety-eight west of the sixth principal meridian, in Mesa county, Colorado, said point being identical with the headgate of that certain canal heretofore known and designated as canal No. 2 of the High Line Mutual Irrigation Company, as shown by the plat thereof of record in the office of the clerk and recorder of said Mesa county, Colorado, in ditch plat book three, at pages 14 and 15, said canal being now generally known and designated as the “stub ditch” of the Mesa county irrigation district, and running thence westerly along the northerly bank or line of said canal No. 2, now known as the stub ditch, to the point where the northerly line or bank of said canal intersects the west line of the northwest quarter of section five, in township one south of range one east of the Ute principal meridian; thence south along said west line to the northerly bank or line of that certain canal heretofore known and designated as canal No. 1 of the High Line Mutual Irrigation Company, said canal being now commonly known and designated as the Price ditch, of the Palisade irrigation district; thence southwesterly along the northerly line or bank of said Price ditch to the intersection thereof with the “Indian Waste”, in the southeast quarter of section six, in township one south of range one east of the Ute principal meridian; thence along the west side or line of said “Indian Waste” in a general southerly direction to the intersection of said west line or bank with the northerly line or bank of the Grand Valley canal in the northeast quarter of section seven in township one south of range one east of the Ute principal meridian; thence along the northerly line or bank of said Grand Valley canal of the Grand Valley Irrigation Company, including under the name “Grand Valley Canal” that part thereof sometimes known and designated as “The Grand Valley High Line” ditch or canal of the Grand Valley Irrigation Company, to the end of said Grand Valley canal, also sometimes known as “The High Line Canal” of the Grand Valley Irrigation Company, said point being the beginning of that certain ditch or canal of the Grand Valley Irrigation Company commonly known and designated as the Kiefer extension ditch or canal, in section thirty-six in township two north of range three west of the Ute principal meridian; thence along the right line or bank of said Kiefer extension ditch or canal to the end thereof, the same being at a point on the northerly bank of the Grand river, now the Colorado river, in section ten, in township one north of range three west of the Ute principal meridian; thence up and along the northerly line or bank of said Grand river, now the Colorado river, to the point of beginning; including all the territory embraced and included within the corporate limits of the town of Palisade. The boundaries of the district shall exist entirely within the boundaries of Mesa county.
  2. Upon petition of the owner of a tract of land located within Mesa county and capable of receiving benefit from the district, the board of directors may authorize the inclusion of said tract within the district. The petition shall describe the boundaries of said tract of land and shall be signed by the petitioner.
  3. Within thirty days following the filing of such petition, the board of directors shall fix a time and place for a public hearing and conduct said hearing on the petition, at which time all objections thereto shall be presented in writing. Failure of any person to object in writing shall be held as an assent on his part to the inclusion of such tract of land in the drainage district. If the petition is granted, the board shall make an order to that effect, and the property involved shall be included in the district. After inclusion of the tract within the district, the owner of said tract shall become liable for all future assessments within said drainage district.

Source: L. 23: p. 283, § 2. CSA: C. 57, § 128. L. 37: p. 520, § 2. CRS 53: § 47-12-2. C.R.S. 1963: § 47-12-2. L. 83: Entire section amended, p. 1386, § 2, June 1. L. 2007: (1) amended, p. 156, § 1, effective January 1, 2008.