At the time of making its order organizing the district or at any time thereafter, the court shall appoint three commissioners, referred to in this article as appraisers or the board of appraisers, whose duties shall be to appraise the lands or other property within and without the district to be acquired for rights-of-way, reservoirs, and other works of the district and to appraise all benefits and damages accruing to all land within or without the district by reason of the execution of the official plan. Said appraisers shall be freeholders residing within the state of Colorado, who may or may not own lands within said district. Each of the appraisers, before taking up his duties, shall take and subscribe to an oath that he will faithfully and impartially discharge his duties as such appraiser and that he will make a true report of such work done by him. The appraisers at their first meeting shall elect one of their own number chairman, and the secretary of the board of directors or his deputy shall be ex officio secretary of said board of appraisers during their continuance in office. A majority of the appraisers shall constitute a quorum, and a concurrence of the majority in any matter within their duties is sufficient for its determination. The court, by order, may remove any appraiser at any time, and shall fill all vacancies in the board of appraisers, or may appoint a new board, as occasion may require, which new board, if appointed, shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of the board of appraisers of the district.
Source: L. 22: p. 31, § 25. C.L. § 9539. CSA: C. 138, § 150. CRS 53: § 30-4-1. C.R.S. 1963: § 29-4-1.