- After a plan for construction of irrigation or other works has been adopted and approved as provided in section 37-42-117, and funds provided therefor, the board of directors shall call for bids for the construction of the whole or any part thereof. The notice shall be published for four weeks in such papers as the board shall designate as best suited to give widest publicity, and shall set forth that plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the district, that sealed bids for such construction will be received, and that the contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder, stating the time and place for opening such bids, which, at such time and place, shall be opened in public. Within ten days from the opening of such bids, the board shall let said contract, in whole or in part, to the lowest responsible bidder, or may reject any or all of said bids and readvertise for other bids, or may proceed to construct such works under the superintendence of the officers and employees of the district. Any person to whom a contract is let under this article shall enter into a bond with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the board, payable to such district for its use in not less than twenty-five percent of the amount stated in said contract, conditioned for the faithful performance of such contract.
- All preliminary engineering and construction work shall be done under the direction of a competent irrigation engineer, and shall be approved by the state engineer of Colorado; except that this section shall not apply in the case of any contract between the district and the United States.
Source: L. 21: p. 539, § 24. C.L. § 2080. CSA: C. 90, § 455. CRS 53: § 149-2-24. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-2-24.