- The board of directors of the district acting as the governing body, in the name and on the behalf of the subdistrict as provided in section 37-46-110 and not otherwise, when authorized by the plan of organization and decree of court organizing said subdistrict to do so, may issue general obligation bonds or otherwise incur a general obligation indebtedness to finance, in whole or in part, the construction or other acquisition of works, reservoirs, or other improvements for the beneficial use of water for the purposes for which it has been or may be appropriated, including, without limitation, the hydrogeneration of electricity, or the acquisition by purchase, rental, lease, or exchange of water, or the purchase or exchange of water rights or electricity and appurtenances (or any combination thereof), and to finance incidental expenses pertaining thereto, whether or not the interest on such bonds may be subject to taxation. Said obligations shall bear interest at a rate such that the net effective interest rate of the issue does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized. Interest shall be payable semiannually, but the first installment of interest may evidence interest for not exceeding two years from the date of issue, and said obligations may be issued and made payable in series becoming due over a term of not less than five years and not more than fifty years after the date of issue. Such bonds or other indebtedness is to be paid from general ad valorem taxes levied from time to time, as the bonds or other indebtedness and interest thereon become due, against the taxable property in said subdistrict and not otherwise; but such taxes may be diminished to the extent other revenues are made available to pay such debt service as the same becomes due. The board of directors of the district shall certify to the boards of county commissioners of the several counties in which said subdistrict or any part thereof is located the amount of the levy necessary to pay said bonds or installments of principal of other indebtedness as they mature and also to pay the interest becoming due on all outstanding bonds or other indebtedness, and the procedure for the assessment and collection of revenue or taxes of the county and state are, except as may be otherwise provided in this article, made applicable and are to be followed in the levy of assessments for payment of taxes and collection of principal and interest on such general obligations.
- The board of directors of the district acting as the governing body, in the name and on the behalf of the subdistrict, may issue revenue bonds to finance, in whole or in part, the construction or other acquisition of works, reservoirs, or other improvements for the beneficial use of water for the purposes for which it has been or may be appropriated, including, without limitation, the hydrogeneration of electricity, or the acquisition by purchase, rental, lease, or exchange of water, or the purchase or exchange of water rights or electricity and appurtenances (or any combination thereof), and to finance incidental expenses pertaining thereto, whether or not the interest on such bonds may be subject to taxation. Such revenue bonds shall be issued in such denominations and with such maximum net effective interest rate as may be fixed by the board of directors of the subdistrict and shall bear interest such that the net effective interest rate of the bonds does not exceed the maximum net effective interest rate authorized. The board shall pledge only bond proceeds, sale proceeds, rental or lease proceeds, service charges, and other income from such works or other improvements or from the sale, rental, lease, or exchange of water or the sale or exchange of electricity (or any combination thereof), and the subdistrict shall not be otherwise obligated for the payment thereof. At the time said revenue bonds are issued, the board of directors of the subdistrict shall make and enter in the minutes of the proceeding a resolution in which the due dates of such revenue bonds, the rates of interest thereon, the general provisions of the bonds, and a recital that the same are payable only out of bond proceeds, sale proceeds, rental and lease proceeds, service charges, and other income from such works or other improvements and from the sale, rental, lease, or exchange of water or the sale or exchange of electricity (or any combination thereof) are set forth. In addition, the board of directors shall require the payment of rental or lease charges, service charges, or other charges by the political subdivisions or persons who are to use or derive benefits from the water or other services furnished by such works or improvements or otherwise. Such charges shall be sufficient to pay operation and maintenance expenses thereof, to meet said bond payments, to accumulate and maintain reserve and replacement accounts pertaining thereto as set forth in such resolution, and to provide funds sufficient for the further development of water resources for all of the foregoing beneficial purposes. Such resolution shall be irrepealable during the time that any of the revenue bonds are outstanding and unpaid. Except as provided in sections 11-55-101 to 11-55-106, C.R.S., the revenue bonds shall be signed “Water Users’ Association No. …. in the Colorado River Water Conservation District, By ………., President. Attest ………., Secretary” or “Special Improvement District No. …. in the Colorado River Water Conservation District, By ………, President. Attest ………., Secretary”, and they shall be countersigned by the treasurer.
Source: L. 37: p. 1022, § 22. CSA: C. 138, § 199(22). CRS 53: § 149-8-22. C.R.S. 1963: § 150-7-22. L. 70: p. 441, § 9. L. 77: Entire section amended, p. 1639, § 3, effective June 9. L. 79: (1) amended, p. 1357, § 5, effective May 31. L. 81: Entire section amended, p. 1763, § 3, effective June 19.