As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Board” means the board of directors of the Republican river water conservation district created pursuant to section 37-50-104.
- “District” means the Republican river water conservation district created pursuant to this article.
- “Person” means a person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation.
- “Property”, as used in sections 37-50-109 and 37-50-111, includes both real and personal property. In other parts of this article relating to special assessments, unless otherwise specified, “property” means real estate as defined in section 2-4-401 (5), C.R.S., and includes all railroads; tram roads; electric railroads; state and interurban railroads; highways; telephone, telegraph, and transmission lines; water systems, water rights, pipelines, and rights-of-way of public service corporations; and all other real property, whether held for public or private use.
- “Republican river basin” means that area shown upon the map titled: “Boundaries of the Republican River Basin and Republican River Water Conservation District”. The map shall be kept on file in the office of the state engineer, the Colorado ground water commission, and the district and shall be available for public inspection.
- “Republican river compact” means the compact entered into between the states of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska and approved by the United States congress as codified in article 67 of this title and as further defined by the final settlement stipulation dated December 15, 2002, and filed in Kansas v. Colorado and Nebraska, No. 126 Original.
Source: L. 2004: Entire article added, p. 1905, § 1, effective August 4.