§793. Local emergency planning committees
There are established local emergency planning committees, referred to in this subchapter as “committees” for each emergency planning district designated by the commission pursuant to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Public Law 99-499. [PL 1989, c. 464, §3 (NEW).]
1. Local committees established. The commission shall, by resolution, appoint the members of the local emergency planning committee of each emergency planning district. The committee consists of at least 14 members and, except as provided in subsection 2, includes representatives from each of the following organizations or groups: elected state and local officials; law enforcement, emergency management, firefighting, first aid, health, local environmental, hospital and transportation personnel; broadcast and print media; citizens living near local facilities; employees working in local facilities; community groups; and owners and operators of facilities subject to the emergency planning requirement of this subchapter.
[PL 2013, c. 462, §10 (AMD).]2. Modification of committees. Members of the public may, by written petition, request the commission to modify the representation of those groups or organizations on a local emergency planning committee. If the commission reduces or eliminates representation of a group or organization on a committee, it shall declare the position of the member representing that group or organization to be abolished and the person whose position is so abolished shall cease to serve as a member of the committee on the effective date of the commission’s declaration. Appointments of members to the committee to fill positions established as a result of modification to the composition of the committee shall be made in the same manner as original appointments under this subchapter.
[PL 1989, c. 464, §3 (NEW).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 1989, c. 464, §3 (NEW). PL 2013, c. 462, §10 (AMD).