§1046. Enforcement
Sewer districts have enforcement powers as specified in this section. [PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]
1. Violation of standards by an industrial user; applicable to all sewer districts. A sewer district may seek in a civil action injunctive relief from an industrial user that violates a pretreatment standard or requirement, administered by the sewer district. The sewer district may seek a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per day for each violation by an industrial user of a pretreatment standard or requirement.
This subsection is deemed to be incorporated into the private and special laws governing a sewer district, and any part of a sewer district charter not in conformity with this subsection is void, unless the sewer district’s charter expressly references this subsection or former section 1252, subsection 8 and specifically provides that this subsection or former section 1252, subsection 8 does not apply.
[PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]2. Injury to property of standard districts. A person may not place, discharge or leave any offensive or injurious matter or material on or in the conduits, catch basins or receptacles of a standard district formed under this chapter contrary to its regulations or knowingly injure any conduit, pipe, reservoir, flush tank, catch basin, manhole, outlet, engine, pump or other property held, owned or used by the standard district.
A person who violates this subsection is liable to pay twice the amount of the damages to the standard district to be recovered in any proper action and is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each violation, payable to the standard district. The civil penalty is recoverable in a civil action.
[PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]3. Required connection. Except as provided in subsection 4, upon receiving a request from a standard district to connect a building located in the territory of the standard district that is accessible to a sewer or drain of the standard district and that is intended for human habitation or occupancy or that has facilities for discharge or disposal of waste water or commercial or industrial waste, the owner of that building shall arrange to have the building connected through a sanitary sewer or drainage system to the standard district’s accessible sewer or drain in the most direct manner possible. If feasible, each building requiring connection must have its own separate connection. The connection must be completed within 90 days of the receipt by the owner of the request, or within any extended period requested by the owner and agreed to by the trustees. For purposes of this subsection, “owner” includes the owners of record or any person against whom property taxes on the building are assessed.
A person who receives a notice in accordance with this subsection to connect to a building and fails to connect to the building in accordance with this subsection is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500, payable to the standard district. This penalty is recoverable in a civil action.
[PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]4. Connections not required; applicable to all sewer districts. An existing building that is already served by a private sewer system is not required to connect with a sewer or drain of a sewer district as long as the private sewer or drainage system functions in a satisfactory and sanitary manner and does not violate applicable law or ordinance applicable to the connection with a sewer or drain or a sewer district or any applicable requirements of the state plumbing code, as determined by the municipal plumbing inspector or the municipal plumbing inspector’s alternate, or, in the event that both are trustees or employees of the sewer district, the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Engineering.
This subsection is deemed to be incorporated into the private and special laws governing a sewer district, and any part of a sewer district charter not in conformity with this subsection is void, unless the sewer district’s charter expressly references this subsection or former section 1252, subsection 3 and specifically provides that this subsection or former section 1252, subsection 3 does not apply.
[PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]5. Permissive connection. A person not otherwise required to connect a private sewer into a sewer of a standard district may connect to the standard district’s sewer if that person obtains a permit from the standard district and pays any charges required by this subsection. The clerk of the standard district shall record the permit in the records of the standard district.
A. If construction of the standard district’s sewer is complete at the proposed point of entry of the private sewer and the standard district has established an entrance charge for entry at that location, the person seeking to connect the private sewer at that location shall pay the entrance charge before the connection is undertaken. [PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]
B. If the standard district’s sewer is under construction and not completed at the point of the proposed entry of the private sewer, the person seeking to connect the private sewer at that location is not required to pay an entrance charge. [PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).] [PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).