§1293. Certification, licensing and accreditation requirements
1. Certification and licensing. The board shall adopt and amend rules necessary to govern the licensing of business or public entities, including, but not limited to, lead abatement contractors and in-house lead abatement units, the accreditation of lead training providers and the certification of lead abatement professionals.
[PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).]2. Approval of training courses. The board shall adopt and amend rules establishing criteria and procedures for the approval of training courses and examinations that ensure the qualifications of applicants for certification as required in this chapter. These rules are routine, technical rules in accordance with Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II‑A. To ensure a smooth transition period before the adoption of accreditation rules in conformance with the requirements of this chapter, the commissioner shall provide for interim accreditation of training providers by establishing procedures in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 745, Subpart L, Section 745.228.
To qualify for approval, a training course must contain a combination of class instruction, practical application and public health procedures of a length and content that ensure adequate training for the level and type of responsibility for each named certification category.
Courses certified under this section must be conducted by instructors whose training and experience are determined by the commissioner to be appropriate for the subject matter being taught and the level of certification category for which the course is designed. Courses must be designed and conducted under the guidance of a training manager.
[PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).]3. Renewal. A license or certificate issued under this chapter expires one year after the date of issue. A licensee or certificate holder may apply to the commissioner for the renewal of a license or certificate. A renewal may not be granted if the application is received more than 2 years following expiration of the previously issued license or certificate.
To qualify for renewal of a license or certificate, the applicant must submit:
A. The appropriate fees as prescribed by rule pursuant to section 1295; [PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).]
B. Evidence of completion of any continuing education or training that may be required by rules adopted by the board; and [PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).]
C. A signed statement disclosing any violations of lead abatement standards for which the applicant may have been cited by a regulatory agency of the Federal Government or the State. If no citations were received during the previous year, that fact must be stated. The disclosure must include evidence that all penalties and fees assessed to the applicant are paid in full. [PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).] [PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).]
PL 1997, c. 375, §14 (NEW).