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Home » US Law » 2022 Maine Revised Statutes » TITLE 38: WATERS AND NAVIGATION » Chapter 8: ST. CROIX INTERNATIONAL WATERWAY COMMISSION » 38 §993. St. Croix International Waterway boundaries established

§993. St. Croix International Waterway boundaries established

The boundaries for the St. Croix International Waterway shall be on the Maine side, commencing 250 feet from the high watermark at the northern end of the bridge over Lewis Cove in Perry, Maine; thence by a straight line in a northeasterly direction toward the easternmost point of Navy Island to the International Boundary; thence in a northerly direction along the International Boundary to the monument on Monument Brook; thence southerly along the United States side of Monument Brook 250 feet from the high watermark continuing southward along Monument Brook to North Lake and southward along the shores of North Lake, The Thoroughfare, Grand Lake, Mud Lake and Spednick Lake; and thence southerly 250 feet above the high watermark along the United States side of the St. Croix River to the place of beginning being 250 feet from the high watermark at the northern end of the bridge over Lewis Cove in Perry, Maine; and shall be established on the New Brunswick side, by the Province of New Brunswick by their own action, commencing 200 feet from the high watermark at the southernmost point of St. Andrews; thence by a straight line in a southerly direction to the easternmost point of Navy Island, also known as St. Andrews Island; thence by a straight line in a southwesterly direction toward the northern end of the bridge over Lewis Cove in Perry, Maine, to the International Boundary; thence in a northerly direction along the International Boundary to the monument on Monument Brook; thence southerly along the Canadian side of Monument Brook 200 feet from the high watermark to the point where the Monument Brook empties into North Lake; thence easterly along the northern shore of North Lake 200 feet above the high watermark to Highway 122; thence easterly along Highway 122 to Canterbury; thence southerly along the Canadian Pacific Railway line to McAdam; thence westerly along Route 4 to the International Boundary between St. Croix and Vanceboro; thence southerly 200 feet above the high watermark along the Canadian side of St. Croix River and maintaining this 200 feet above the high watermark around Oak Bay and Waweig Bay to the place of beginning being 200 feet from the high watermark at the southernmost point of St. Andrews.   [PL 1987, c. 470, §2 (NEW).]


PL 1987, c. 470, §2 (NEW).