38-1,122. Certain professions and businesses; disciplinary actions; emergency; department; powers; hearing; director; decision; review.
(1) If the department determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action against a credential subject to section 38-1,119, the department may, without notice or hearing, issue an order reciting the existence of such emergency and requiring such action be taken as the department deems necessary to meet the emergency, including, but not limited to, suspension or limitation of the credential. Such order shall become effective immediately. Any credential holder to whom such order is directed shall comply immediately. Such order shall become final ten days after mailing of the order unless the credential holder, during such period, makes a written request for a hearing.
(2) The hearing shall be held as soon as possible and not later than fifteen days after the request for hearing. The hearing shall be held according to rules and regulations of the department for administrative hearings in contested cases. Witnesses may be subpoenaed by either party and shall be allowed fees at a rate prescribed by rule and regulation. On the basis of such hearing, the director shall affirm, modify, or rescind the order. Any party to the decision shall have a right to judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act.
- Laws 2007, LB463, § 122.
Cross References
- Administrative Procedure Act, see section 84-920.