- Every person intending to avail himself or herself of the benefits of this article shall serve on the owner by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service, within ten days after completing the harvesting, a notice that, within twenty days, a lien, as specified in section 38-24.5-102, shall be claimed, and, within said twenty days, such person shall file in the same locations for farm products and crops as provided in section 4-9-501, C.R.S., a statement containing a just and true account of the amount due him or her for such harvesting, after allowing all just credits and offsets, and containing a correct description of the grain or other crops to be charged with such lien, the price agreed upon for such harvesting, the name of the person, firm, or corporation for whom such harvesting was performed, a legal description of the lands upon which said grain or other crops were raised, a description of the legal subdivision of land upon which said grain or other crops are stored and, if said grain or other crops are stored in a storage facility, the locality of the storage facility, which statement of facts shall be verified by affidavit of the person claiming such lien or his or her duly authorized agent or attorney having knowledge of the facts, and a copy of the notice of intent to file a lien and an affidavit of service or mailing thereof. Any immaterial error or mistake in the account or description of the grain or other crops or of the property upon which it was raised shall not invalidate such lien.
- If the grain or other crops so harvested will be hauled directly to the storage facility or to a purchaser, the person claiming the lien pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall also serve written notice upon the owner of such storage facility or other private purchaser of his intent to claim and file a lien upon said grain or other crops for harvesting pursuant to section 38-24.5-102 within the time frames set forth in this section.
Source: L. 89: Entire article added, p. 1443, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2001: (1) amended, p. 1447, § 44, effective July 1.