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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 4. The Legislature » Article 14. Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability » §4-14-3. Creation of a Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability

(a) There is hereby created a joint commission of the Legislature known as the Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability. The commission shall be composed of seven members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate and seven members of the House of Delegates appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. No more than four of the seven members appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, respectively, may be members of the same political party. In addition, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates shall be ex officio nonvoting members of the commission. The co-chairs of the commission shall be the chair of the Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the chair of the House Roads and Transportation Committee. At least one of the Senate appointees and at least one of the House of Delegates appointees shall be a member of the committee on finance of the Senate and House of Delegates, respectively. The members shall serve until their successors shall have been appointed as heretofore provided.

(b) Members of the commission shall receive such compensation and expenses as provided in article two-a, chapter four of this code. Such expenses and all other expenses including those incurred in the employment of legal, technical, investigative, clerical, stenographic, advisory and other personnel shall be paid from an appropriation to be made expressly for the Legislative Oversight Commission on Department of Transportation Accountability: Provided, That if no such appropriation be made, such expenses shall be paid from the appropriation under Fund No. 0175 for Joint Expenses created pursuant to the provisions of said chapter: Provided, however, That no expense of any kind payable under the account for joint expenses shall be incurred unless first approved by the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.

(c) The commission shall meet at any time both during sessions of the Legislature and in the interim or as often as may be necessary.

(d) The President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Delegates shall assign such staff as may be deemed necessary to aid the commission in carrying out the provisions of this article.