Sec. 3. Before the transfer and conveyance of the right, title, and possession of a memorial, a property, a building, or an appurtenance is consummated, the attorney general and the appropriate legal officer of the United States government must state in writing that all of the conditions necessary to the valid and conclusive transfer and conveyance of the memorial, or property, building, or appurtenance have been fully complied with. Upon the presentation of the written statements to the governor, the governor shall direct the secretary of state to cause to be executed a deed of conveyance to the United States government or agency of the United States government. The governor shall sign the deed and the secretary of state shall attest the deed with the great seal of the state.
[Pre-1995 Title 14 Recodification Citation: 14-6-1-3.]As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.36.