Sec. 7. As used in this chapter, “government information” refers to any information created, received, maintained, or stored by or otherwise in the control of a governmental entity, regardless of the form or the media on which the information is recorded. The term does not include any of the following:
(1) The investigative records of law enforcement agencies that employ the law enforcement officers listed in IC 35-31.5-2-185.
(2) The confidential advisory opinions requested or given by the office of the inspector general.
(3) Other information made confidential by IC 4-2-6, IC 4-2-7, IC 5-2-4, IC 31-33-18, IC 9-32-16-1, IC 10-13-3, 26 CFR 20, or 28 CFR 23.
(4) Confidential investigative records related to an investigation under IC 4-31, IC 4-33, or IC 4-35 and any other information classified as confidential under IC 4-31, IC 4-33, or IC 4-35.
As added by P.L.269-2017, SEC.5.