40-360.09. Filing fees; utility siting fund
The fee to be paid for each application is as follows and shall be paid to the committee for deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in a special fund to be known as the utility siting fund:
1. For a new proposed plant site and associated transmission line site, ten thousand dollars.
2. For expansion of an existing plant site and a new proposed transmission line site, seven thousand five hundred dollars.
3. For expansion of an existing plant site only, five thousand dollars.
4. For a new proposed transmission line site one hundred miles or more in length, five thousand dollars.
5. For a new proposed transmission line site over fifty but less than one hundred miles in length, two thousand five hundred dollars.
6. For a new proposed transmission line site fifty miles or less in length, one thousand dollars.
7. For a new proposed transmission line site paralleling an existing transmission line site, regardless of length, one thousand dollars.