(a) Except as hereinafter provided, no minor shall be employed or permitted to work in any occupation in the Virgin Islands, in or involving
(1) heavy construction work;
(2) the operation of power-driven, metal-forming, punching and shearing machines;
(3) the making of alcoholic beverages in bottling plants;
(4) electric and power generating plants;
(5) steam laundries;
(6) any quarry;
(7) the operation of power driven woodworking machines;
(8) spray painting or occupations involving exposure to lead or its compounds, or to dangerous or poisonous dyes and chemicals;
(9) any other business, industry or any other occupation that the Commissioner, upon investigation, and after public notice and hearing, shall find and by order declare to be particularly hazardous for the employment of minors, or detrimental to their health, safety, morals, or well being;
Provided, That such order of the Commissioner may be made on an industry or business basis specifying the occupations therein that are not covered, or on an occupational basis, irrespective of the industry or business in which the occupation is found; And provided further, That such order may be also made on the basis of sex or categories of age groups.