(a) The Consortium is composed of the following members, or a designee selected by a member serving by virtue of position:
(1) The following members, who are voting members of the Consortium:
a. Two members, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
b. Two members, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
c. The President of Delaware State University.
d. The President of the NAACP of Delaware.
e. The President of the Delaware chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women.
f. The President of the Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League.
g. Five members of the public with relevant knowledge and experience in racial equity issues, appointed by the Governor.
(2) The following ex-officio members, who are nonvoting members of the Consortium:
a. The Director of Statewide Equity Initiatives.
b. One representative of the Office of Supplier Diversity, appointed by the Secretary of the Department of State.
c. One representative of the Bureau of Health Equity, appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services.
d. The Secretary of the Department of Labor.
e. The Commissioner of the Department of Correction.
f. The Secretary of the Department of Education.
g. The Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families.
h. The Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority.
i. The Attorney General.
j. The Chief Diversity Officer of the Division of Human Resources.
(b) A member appointed to the Consortium serves at the pleasure of the individual or entity that appointed the member.
(c) A member of the Consortium with the ability to designate another individual to attend a Consortium meeting shall provide the designation in writing to the chair and vice chair. An individual attending a meeting for a member as a designee has the same duties and rights as the member.
83 Del. Laws, c. 419, § 1;