(a) Before commencing the repair, alteration or removal of any dam to which this chapter applies, application shall be made by the owner for written approval by the Department, except as otherwise provided by this chapter. The application shall state the name and address of the owner, shall adequately detail the changes it proposes to affect, impacts or modifications to plans of operation and maintenance and emergency action plans, and shall be accompanied by maps, plans, and specifications setting forth such details and dimensions as the Department requires. The Department may waive the requirements of this section for the repair or alteration of a dam if the proposed action is determined to be minor as defined by the Department by regulation. The application shall give such other information concerning the dam and reservoir required by the Department, such information concerning the safety of any change as it may require, and shall state the proposed time of commencement and completion of the work. When the Department determines an application has been completed it may be referred by the Department for agency review and report, as provided by § 4204 of this title in the case of original construction. The application for repair, alteration or removal of the dam shall be subject to the public notice requirements.
(b) Upon receipt of a full application in proper form, the Secretary shall give notice in the form of an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the activity is proposed and in a daily newspaper of general circulation throughout the State:
(1) The fact that the application has been received;
(2) A brief description of the nature of the application;
(3) The place at which a copy of the application may be inspected; and
(4) Procedures to request a public hearing.
The Secretary shall hold a public hearing on an application, if the Secretary receives a request from any party whose interests are substantially affected by the proposed application, as determined by the Secretary, if such request is received within 21 calendar days of the public notice. Such notice shall also be sent by mail to any person who has requested such notification from the Department and provides a name and address.
(c) When repairs are necessary to safeguard life and property they may be started immediately, but the Department shall be notified as soon as practical but no longer than 24 hours after such repairs have commenced. The owner shall be required to submit as-built plans and certification from a professional engineer, licensed in Delaware, demonstrating that the repairs comply with this chapter.
74 Del. Laws, c. 392, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;