(a) The Commission shall report its recommendations with respect to the issuance of licenses, including the results of examinations, where such are required, to the Commissioner of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, who upon a determination that all requirements have been met shall issue a license to each qualifying applicant within thirty days. If the Commissioner of Licensing and Consumer Affairs determines that all requirements have not been met and refuses to issue a license to an applicant, he shall notify the Commission in writing of the reasons for his determination and refusal within ten days.
(b) The Commission shall prepare and issue to each licensee a pocket card of such size and design as the Commission may prescribe and which shall contain the name and business address of the licensee and shall certify that the person whose name appears thereon is a licensed real estate broker or real estate salesman, as the case may be. Each such pocket card shall bear the imprint or impress of the seal of the Commission. The pocket card issued with a real estate salesman’s license shall be delivered to the salesman as soon as received by the real estate broker from the Commission. Such card shall be shown on demand.