US Lawyer Database

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  • (a) The Commissioner shall develop a procedure established by regulation which the Department may follow to verify a child has been abducted.

  • (b) The Commissioner shall notify all government departments and agencies, all broadcasters in the territory and the public of the Program.

  • (c) Upon receipt of a notice of a child abduction, the Department shall confirm the accuracy of the information and then transmit it to the participating radio and television stations who shall issue the alert at designated intervals as specified in regulations.

  • (d) The alert shall include all appropriate information the Department has which may assist in the safe recovery of the abducted child and a statement instructing anyone with information related to the abduction or to contact the Department.

  • (e) The alert shall be cancelled upon the Department’s notification to the participating broadcasters that the child has been found or at the end of the notification period, whichever occurs first.