- The following fees shall be charged and collected by the Commission and paid into the Treasury of the Virgin Islands:
(1) For each examination for a broker’s license a fee of $20; for a salesman’s license a fee of $5.
(2) For the issuance or renewal of each broker’s license, a fee of $200.
(3) For the issuance or renewal of each salesman’s license issued a fee of $100.
(4) For each additional office or place of business, an annual fee of $80.
(5) For each change of place of business or change of employee or contractual associate, a fee of $5.
(6) For each duplicate license, where the original license is lost or destroyed and affidavit is made thereof, a fee of $2.
(7) For each duplicate pocket card, where the original pocket card is lost or destroyed and affidavit is made thereof, a fee of $1.