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§ 4321. Probation and parole officers.

(a) The Department and its probation and parole officers shall conduct such preparole investigations or perform such other duties under this chapter as may be ordered by the court, Parole Board or Department; provided, however, that all presentence investigations and reports for the Superior Court and the Court of Common Pleas shall be prepared as provided in § 4335 of this title.

(b) (1) The Department shall furnish to each person released under the supervision of the Department a written statement of the conditions of the person’s probation or parole and shall instruct the person regarding these conditions.

(2) The officers, under the supervision of the Department, shall evaluate each person in their charge under Supervision Accountability Level II, III or IV, using an objective risk and needs assessment instrument and shall create a case plan for those persons assessed to be moderate- to high-risk that targets the need factors identified by the assessment. The Department shall make efforts to provide treatment and services responsive to the person’s needs and characteristics. Use of the objective risk assessment instrument and associated case plans shall commence by December 31, 2013.

(3) The officers shall keep informed of the conduct and condition of persons in their charge, shall aid them to secure employment, shall exercise supervision over them, shall see that they are in compliance with and fulfill the conditions of their release and shall use all suitable methods to aid and encourage them to bring about improvement in their conduct and conditions and to meet their probation or parole obligations.

(4) a. A special condition of supervision may be set by orders of the court, Board of Parole or the probation and parole officer acting under the authority of the court or Board of Parole.

b. Special conditions of supervision imposed by the probation and parole officer shall be in accordance with Department procedures and may be enforced in the interim period of final review by the court or Board of Parole.

(c) The officer shall keep detailed records of their work, shall assist in the collection and dispersal of all moneys in accordance with the orders of the court and Department and shall make such reports in writing and perform such other duties which the rules and regulations of the Department require, or which the court, the Board of Parole or the Commissioner may require.

(d) Probation and parole officers shall exercise the same powers as constables under the laws of this State and may conduct searches of individuals under probation and parole supervision in accordance with Department procedures while in the performance of the lawful duties of their employment and shall execute lawful orders, warrants and other process as directed to the officer by any court, judge or Board of Parole of this State; however, a probation and parole officer shall only have such power and duties if the officer participates in and/or meets the minimum requirements of such training and education deemed necessary by the Department and Board of Examiners.

(e) Probation and parole officers may be tasked to participate in joint operations with federal authorities while in the performance of the lawful duties of their employment. Any contraband, property and/or money seized in the course of such joint operations shall be apportioned in accordance with federal distribution guidelines. Any distribution to probation and parole shall become the property of the Department of Correction, Bureau of Community Corrections. Any proceeds from the disposal of such property shall be used for the purchase of security equipment and technology necessary for the support of the employees of the Bureau.

(f) Specialized juvenile probation and parole officers, assigned to the Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services and as designated and sworn by the Secretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, shall exercise the same powers as constables exercise under the laws of this State, and may conduct searches of individuals under the supervision of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families’ Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services in accordance with agency procedure, while in the performance of the lawful duties of their employment, and shall execute lawful orders, warrants and other process as directed to such officer by any court or judge; however, a specialized juvenile probation and parole officer shall have such above-enumerated powers and duties only if the officer has met the minimum requirements of training and education deemed necessary by the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families.

(g) The Department shall undertake an assessment of the availability of community resources to meet the treatment and rehabilitation needs of the supervised population every 3 years and endeavor to develop and support programs in accordance with identified needs. The first 3-year report shall be completed by December 31, 2013.

(h) The Department shall devise and adopt a body-worn camera policy that shall meet or exceed the standards established by the Council on Police Training by regulation.

11 Del. C. 1953, § 4321;  54 Del. Laws, c. 349, § 7;  67 Del. Laws, c. 442, § 3;  70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;  72 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 1;  73 Del. Laws, c. 60, § 1;  77 Del. Laws, c. 443, § 1;  78 Del. Laws, c. 392, §§ 2, 3;  79 Del. Laws, c. 283, § 1;  83 Del. Laws, c. 83, § 1;